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Educational Workshops
ECCMID starts on Saturday morning with a series of educational workshops. These are organized in cooperation with ESCMID study groups (for an overview see www.escmid.org/studygroups) and partnering organizations. Electronic handouts with the workshop content will be available before the congress on the website. In addition, the congress app will again allow you to submit questions to the speakers before and during the sessions. All confirmed speakers can be found here.
The preliminary session topics and titles are:
The mucormycosis workshop
Epidemiologic trends in immunocompromised patients
Diagnosis from bedside to bench and back again
New antifungal therapeutics
Co-organized with EFISG, ESGICH, Mycoses Study Group Education and Research Consortium (MSGERC)
Challenges posed by viral outbreaks
Lessons from measles & mumps & rubella
Lessons from West Nile virus
Lessons from enteroviruses
Co-organized with the European Society of Clinical Virology (ESCV)
Advanced methods for clinical research in infectious diseases: a primer for non-experts
Propensity score: when and how
Multilevel analyses: when the context also matters
Competing risk analysis: if one outcome avoids another
Prevention of Clostridium difficile infection in acute care hospitals - updated ESCMID guidelines
Infection control measures
Surveillance and screening
Antibiotic stewardship
Co-organized with ESGCD, ESGNI
Current challenges for dose optimization of antimicrobials
New knowledge for dose optimization in renal replacement therapy
Are children just little adults, or do they need more finesse in dosing?
Clinical relevance of protein binding for drug dosing
Co-organized with EPASG
Implant infections due to Gram-negatives - from lab to clinics
Innovative approaches to deal with biofilm-related infections
Optimization of the antibiotic treatment of P. aeruginosa biofilm infections
Epidemiology and clinical management of implant infections due to MDR Gram-negatives
Co-organized with ESGIAI, ESGB
Which mathematical models for antimicrobial resistance?
More data? Better data?
Better models?
Better use of existing data with new modelling approaches?
Co-organized with ESGAP, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
Syphilis – news about the old disease
Syphilis in the lab - epidemiology and diagnostics
Syphilis as the great imitator – the clinical perspective
Syphilis in the brain - clinincs and management of neurosyphilis
HIV infection in 2017
The evidence and experience of PrEP
Primary/acute HIV infection
HIV treatment standard of care
Co-organized with European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS)
Challenges in the management of parasitic infections for the ID specialist
Difficult decisions in the management of echinococcosis
Screening for and prevention of congenital Chagas disease
Delusional parasitosis
Co-organized with ESGCP
ESGMYC recommendations for mycobacterial infections
Guidelines for treatment of respiratory infections due to nontuberculous mycobacteria
How to determine antibiotic activity against mycobacteria? EUCAST subcommittee proposals
Recommendations for vaccine and testing immune response in tuberculosis
Co-organized with ESGMYC
Biofilm models in basic and applied research
Introduction to the biofilm mode of growth
Standard methods in biofilm studies - in vitro models for studying biofilms
In vivo models for studying biofilms
Arboviruses in Europe – coming to your neighbourhood
Arboviruses of clinical importance to Europe
Differential arbovirus diagnostics
Travel imported arboviruses
Co-organized with ESGITM, the PREPARE project
Implementing infection control and antimicrobial stewardship interventions in your hospital
Navigating the published literature - what level of evidence is needed before implementing an intervention in your hospital?
Evaluation of new interventions targeting HAI - before, during and after implementation
The antimicrobial stewardship team - who and what is essential?
Parasites and immunosuppression
Leishmania in transplant recipients
Toxoplasmosis in transplant recipients
Chagas in transplant recipients
Co-organized with ESGICH, ESGCP
Healthcare and infectious disease management in refugees and migrants
Tuberculosis and other respiratory tract infections
Infections requiring intensive care
Intraabdominal and systemic infections
Co-organized with ESGITM
Improving antimicrobial use in different clinical syndromes - barriers, needs and indicators of success
Respiratory infections
Intraabdominal infections
Urinary tract infections
Co-organized with ESGAP
The critically ill patient - news and controversies
Defining and diagnosing hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated pulmonary infection - implications for infection control
Source control - often needed, often difficult
TDM of all drugs for all patients?
Co-organized with ESGCIP
Innovation in infection control
Modelling spread of pathogens in your hospitalfor infection control
How to prioritize infection control measures in the local setting - cost incentives
How to calculate infection control costs and convince your hospital administration to spend the money
Can we track MDR bacteria through links with travel insurance companies?
Learning infection control via games – does it work?
Public engagement and fight against antimicrobial resistance
Optimize infection control using antimicrobial stewardship
Co-organized with EUCIC
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing with EUCAST breakpoints and methods
Recent developments in EUCAST
Beta-lactamase inhibitor combinations: susceptibility testing and interpretation
Intrinsic resistance and expert rules
Antifungal breakpoints and susceptibility testing (AFST Subcommittee)
Now we know the meaning of “intermediate”!
Susceptibility testing of beta-lactams for Haemophilus influenzae
Technical problems and controversies in antimicrobial susceptibility testing
Co-organized with EUCAST