ePoster mini-oral sessions
ePoster mini oral sessions will be held as one-hour sessions (up to nine speakers; six minutes per speaker including discussion) on ePoster terminals in parallel to the paper poster sessions. These sessions are moderated by an expert. All ePosters including those selected for an ePoster mini oral session must be submitted prior to the congress and will be displayed on all congress days on all ePoster terminals as well as in ESCMID’s eLibrary.
ePoster presenters will receive an email with a unique link in order to upload the ePosters which were accepted for presentation.
Detailed online support is available during the upload.
For poster-related questions, M Events can be contacted at:
Please upload your ePoster as a 1-page PDF-file in landscape orientation.
Please see the following technical requirements for the ePoster:
• File format: PDF
• Pixels: 7680 width x 4320 height (landscape orientation, 16:9)
• In cm: 65.0 width x 36.5 height (landscape orientation, 16:9)
• Font size: not smaller than 18
Only PDF files will be accepted – other formats are not permitted. Posters attached to an email cannot be processed.
Paper poster presenters are invited to upload their paper print file in PDF format.
When your poster has been successfully submitted, you will receive an e-mail confirmation.
All uploaded posters can be edited up until 13 April 2017.
General information about the ePoster system:
To easily create your ePoster we recommend you to use the provided templates, which already have the correct dimensions.
Download the templates “LINK”.
To upload your ePoster please follow the next steps:
1. Create your ePoster with the provided template.
2. Export your ePoster as a PDF-file • File > Save as > PDF-file
3. Click on the link in the invitation email received directly to your email inbox.
4. Upload your ePoster.
Please find here the template to create your ePoster for ECCMID 2017 in Vienna, Austria.