Abstract Submission
Q: Where can I submit an abstract for ECCMID 2017?
A: To submit your abstract for ECCMID 2017, please use our official submission platform. Abstracts sent by mail will not be considered.
Q: Are there any rules for abstract submission?
A: Only abstracts will be considered, those stick to our guideline. Please make sure to read them carefully.
Q: Do I need to be present at the congress if my abstract was accepted?
A: In order to get your work published at the ECCMID Congress at least one author must be present at the congress. The presenting author must have a registration in his name. It is possible to change the presenting author of your abstract. Please contact therefore the abstract help desk.
Q: Does the presenting author have to be a member of ESCMID?
A: No, but members of ESCMID have a discount on congress tickets.
Q: Can I make changes to my abstract?
A: If you abstract is finally submitted changes are only possible through the ECCMID Abstract Team.
Q: I am unable attend the congress in Vienna, can a co-author present the paper on my behalf?
A: Yes, please contact the ECCMID Abstract Team in order to change the presenting author.
Q: If no author is an ESCMID member, can we submit an abstract?
A: ESCMID Membership is not required to submit an abstract; however it is required if you would like to apply for a Travel Grant. Also ESCMID Members get a discount on congress tickets.
Q: How do I know that my abstract submission was received?
A: After submitting your abstract the system will send an automatically generated email to the submitter. The notification emails about the scoring of the abstract will be send out in late January 2017 to the abstract submitters. Please notify your colleagues / clients.
Q: When do I know if my abstract was accepted?
A: Abstracts can be submitted from 29 August to 30 November 2016. The notification emails about the scoring of the abstract will be send out in late January 2017.
Q: If my abstract is rejected, can I address the reviewer’s concerns and ask for a new review?
A: No, abstract rejections are final. If you do not follow the rules and guidelines, it will be rejected. Please note that we do not disclose any comments given by the reviewers on the submitted abstracts, since these comments are provided for internal use only. The abstracts are evaluated in a blinded peer review by at least three experts – members of the ECCMID Programme Committee as well as external experts. All decisions are final.
Q: What is the deadline for withdrawal? Is there a penalty?
A: Abstracts can be withdrawn at any time. There is no penalty. After the print not the Final Programme, changes will not be appearing in the book.
Q: If I have more than one abstract to present, how can I guarantee that they will not be scheduled in conflict?
A: For a meeting of this size, it would be impossible for the Committee to consider special scheduling. If you have several presentations, please contact the ECCMID Abstract Team to find an individual solution.
Q: If my abstract has been previously published in any journal, will my abstract still be accepted for ECCMID 2017 in Vienna, Austria?
A: Abstracts must contain original material neither published nor presented elsewhere prior to 22 April 2017