Abstract Topics
Abstracts can be submitted from 29 August to 30 November 2016
To download the abstract guidelines and abstract topics in pdf version – please click here.
1 Viral Infection & Disease
2 Bacterial Infection & Disease
3 Bacterial Susceptibility & Resistance
4 Diagnostic Bacteriology & General Microbiology
5 New Antibacterial Agents & Stewardship
6 Fungal Infection & Disease
7 Parasitic Diseases & International Health
8 Healthcare-associated & Nosocomial Infections, Infection Control
9 Microbial Pathogenesis & Biofilm
10 Immunology & Vaccinology
11 Other
1 Viral Infection & Disease
a. HIV/AIDS (incl anti-retroviral drugs, treatment & susceptibility/resistance, diagnostics & epidemiology) OR (all aspects)
b. Viral hepatitis (incl antiviral drugs, treatment & susceptibility/resistance, diagnostics & epidemiology) OR (all aspects)
c. Influenza and respiratory viruses
d. Emerging/re-emerging and zoonotic viral diseases
e. Antiviral drugs, treatment, susceptibility/resistance (other than hepatitis & HIV)
f. Viral molecular epidemiology (other than hepatitis & HIV)
g. Diagnostic virology (other than hepatitis & HIV)
2 Bacterial Infection & Disease
a. Tuberculosis and other mycobacterial infections
b. Severe sepsis, bacteraemia & endocarditis
c. Community-acquired respiratory infections
d. Abdominal/gastrointestinal, urinary tract & genital infections
e. Skin, soft tissue, bone & joint & central nervous system infections
f. Zoonotic bacterial diseases
3 Bacterial Susceptibility & Resistance
a. Resistance surveillance & epidemiology: MRSA, VRE & other Gram-positives
b. Resistance surveillance & epidemiology: Gram-negatives
c. Susceptibility testing methods
d. Resistance mechanisms
4 Diagnostic Bacteriology & General Microbiology
a. Diagnostic bacteriology – culture based
b. Diagnostic bacteriology – non-culture based, including molecular and MALDI-TOF
c. Molecular bacterial typing methods
d. Laboratory automation
e. General microbiology
5 New Antibacterial Agents & Stewardship
a. Mechanisms of action, preclinical data & pharmacology of antibacterial agents
b. Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of antibacterial drugs & therapeutic drug monitoring
c. New antibacterial agents: clinical trials
d. Pharmacoepidemiology, improved prescribing and antibiotic stewardship
6 Fungal Infection & Disease
a. Fungal disease epidemiology & clinical trials
b. Diagnostic mycology (incl molecular)
c. Antifungal drugs & treatment
d. Antifungal resistance & susceptibility testing
7 Parasitic Diseases & International Health
a. Diagnostic parasitology
b. Antiparasitic susceptibility & resistance
c. Antiparasitic drugs & treatment
d. Parasitic disease epidemiology
e. Travel medicine & migrant health
f. International & public health
8 Healthcare-associated & Nosocomial Infections, Infection Control
a. Intravascular catheter-related infections
b. Other foreign-body and implant infections
c. Surgical site infections
d. Nosocomial infection surveillance & epidemiology
e. Infection control interventional trials
f. Disinfection & biocides
9 Microbial Pathogenesis & Biofilm
a. Microbial pathogenesis & virulence
b. Host-pathogen interaction
c. Preclinical biofilm studies
10 Immunology & Vaccinology
a. Host genetics: infection susceptibility & immunodeficiency
b. Clinical epidemiology of infections in immunocompromised hosts
c. General vaccinology
d. Antiviral vaccines
e. Antibacterial vaccines
11 Other