Latebreaker Abstract Guidelines
Submission: 15 February – 1 March 2017, 23:59 CET
To be accepted, late-breaking abstracts must:
- contain novel data, which only became available after the end of November, when the regular submission deadline closed
- be of outstanding scientific quality
- fit the topics of the congress
- add value to the scientific programme
Abstracts can be submitted online only. Abstracts submitted via fax or email will not be accepted.
All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English using British English spelling.
Abstracts must contain original material neither published nor presented elsewhere prior to 22 April 2017.
Please use the abstract template and structure your abstract with the headings:
- Background
- Materials/methods
- Results
- Conclusion
Abstract topics
We accept late-breaking abstracts in three topics
- One Health approaches
- Rapid diagnostics
- Other
The text must be formatted in Arial font size 10. ALL CAPS for text (other than abbreviations or acronyms) are not allowed. The abstract text may not be longer than a maximum of 450 words.
Authors may include a maximum of one table (of up to ten rows x ten columns) per abstract. Words within the table count towards the total maximum of words allowed.
Authors may include a maximum of one picture/graph.
Abstract titles must be submitted according to the general rules. This includes any special characters and special words that need to be capitalized or in italics. Abstract titles will be proofread. Titles in ALL CAPS (other than abbreviations or acronyms) are not allowed.
Spelling guidelines
The International System of Units (SI) should be used wherever appropriate. Genus and species names should be written in full on first mention and then abbreviated on subsequent mention.
The following general rules apply (examples in brackets):
- Systematic names (genus, family and higher orders): capitalized (Chlamydia, Enterobacteriaceae, Picornaviridae).
- Non-English expressions: non-English expressions in English texts are written in italics, e.g. force majeure, in vitro/in vivo, ad hoc, ex officio
- Taxonomic names: are to be italicized, e.g. Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium difficile.
- Non-systematic names (e.g. plural): lower case and not italicized (group A streptococci, mycobacteria, chlamydiae).
- Generic drug names: lower case (penicillin).
- Avoid using brand names; if needed: capitalized with trademark symbol (Rocephin®).
- Diseases and viruses: lower case (hepatitis, herpes zoster, herpesvirus, West Nile virus).
- Please observe standard English grammar rules including a space after full stops and commas.
- Only common abbreviations may be used without definition.
Abstract categories
The following presentation type possibilities are available. Please note that the choice made while submitting the abstract is not necessary the final presentation type.
Oral sessions
The programme will feature two types of oral presentation sessions: one-hour (five speakers; 12 minutes per speaker including discussion) and two-hour (ten speakers; 12 minutes per speaker including discussion). These sessions are put together by the programme committee from the top rated abstracts. This is the highest category of an abstract presentation. These sessions are chaired by two experts on the topic.
Paper poster sessions
Most of the accepted abstracts are scheduled for paper poster session. The paper posters are displayed in the poster area of the congress and the presentations are split in about six sessions with a poster change each day. Each poster session will feature various topics and has a duration of one hour. The poster presenter is requested to be at her/his poster during the presentation time. All paper posters can be submitted also as an ePoster to be shown on all four congress days on all ePoster terminals as well as in ESCMID's eLibrary. Please note: strict adherence to mounting and removal times is required. Posters that are not displayed during the requested time will be marked as no shows and presenters will not receive a certificate. Also the technical requirements for size and layout of the poster have to be fulfilled.
ePoster viewing
ePoster viewing is divided in a number of abstract themes. All ePosters will be shown on all four congress days on all ePoster terminals as well as in ESCMID's eLibrary. There is no need to bring a paper poster in this category, but presence of the presenting author at the congress is required.
Authors are asked to enter three keywords to better define the abstract content.
Submit your abstract
You can save your abstract at any time. Please make sure to have all fields completed before you finally submit your abstract. You will receive a confirmation by email after the submission (please make sure to state your correct email address!). Changes are not possible after submission. Please note that emails regarding the submission will be sent to the submitter. All correspondence regarding acceptance or rejection, including further information on the mode of presentation etc. will be sent to the presenting author.
Abstract scoring
Abstracts will be subject to a blind peer review by at least three reviewers (Programme Committee and external experts). Abstract Submitters will be notified by email about acceptance/ rejection of their abstract(s) in late March 2017. Please notify your colleagues / clients.