Hotel Accommodation
Q: How can I find out information about hotels and their rates for this conference?
A: Kenes International is offering conference participants specially reduced rates for various hotels around the conference venue. Information, pictures, location and rates are available on the hotel accommodation page.
Q: How can I book my room and should I pay in advance?
A: In order to book a room, please click here to book online. Please note that full payment is required upon booking.
Q: Will I receive a hotel confirmation?
A: Yes. A detailed confirmation will be sent to you by email as soon as the booking is confirmed and the payment is received.
Q: Can I book a hotel room without registering for the conference?
A: Yes. You can book your room without registering by clicking on the "Booking" button of your chosen hotel available on the website via the hotel accommodation page. If you need further assistance, please email the Hotel Accommodation Department.
Q: How can I book rooms for a group?
A: For group booking (10 rooms and more) please contact the Hotel Accommodation – Groups Department at eccmidhotels[at]escmid.org
Different payment and cancellation conditions apply.
Q: Can I cancel my hotel booking?
A: There are different cancellation policies for different hotels and depending on the time of booking. When booking, please check the cancellation policy summary that appears on the booking page. For bookings that have already been made, please view the terms and conditions of your specific reservation.